Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar - 2020

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Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar - 2020

Harry Styles - "Watermelon Sugar" (2020)

Harry Styles emerged as a prominent figure in the music industry initially as a member of the boy band One Direction. Following the group's hiatus, Styles embarked on a successful solo career. His song "Watermelon Sugar" from the album Fine Line became a global hit in 2020. This song stands out for its catchy melody, vibrant summer vibes, and the enigmatic meaning behind its lyrics.

Background and Release

  1. The song was released as part of Harry Styles' second studio album, Fine Line.
  2. "Watermelon Sugar" quickly gained popularity, eventually reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100.
  3. The song's success is attributed to its upbeat tempo, memorable lyrics, and Styles' distinctive vocal style.

Musical Composition and Lyrics

  1. "Watermelon Sugar" is known for its blend of pop, rock, and indie influences.
  2. The song's lyrics have sparked various interpretations, with many suggesting it celebrates the joys of summer and sensuality.
  3. The use of various instruments, including guitars and horns, contributes to the song's lively and upbeat sound.

Music Video and Performances

  1. The music video for "Watermelon Sugar" features Harry Styles on a beach setting, surrounded by people enjoying a sunny day.
  2. Styles has performed the song in numerous live settings, including televised performances and his world tour.
  3. The music video and live performances are notable for their vibrant colors and energetic atmosphere.

Impact and Reception

  1. The song received critical acclaim for its catchy tune and became a summer anthem.
  2. "Watermelon Sugar" won a Grammy for Best Pop Solo Performance in 2021.
  3. It also helped solidify Harry Styles' status as a major solo artist in the music industry.

Quiz: Questions on the Song

What is the genre of "Watermelon Sugar"? (Pop with rock and indie influences) (!Country) (!Electronic dance music) (!Classical)

Which album features "Watermelon Sugar"? (Fine Line) (!Harry Styles) (!Midnight Memories) (!Sign of the Times)

What is a notable feature of the "Watermelon Sugar" music video? (Harry Styles on a beach with people enjoying the sun) (!A high-speed car chase) (!An animated fantasy world) (!A live concert performance)

What award did "Watermelon Sugar" win in 2021? (Grammy for Best Pop Solo Performance) (!MTV Video Music Award) (!Brit Award) (!Billboard Music Award)

What aspect of "Watermelon Sugar" has led to various interpretations? (Its lyrics) (!The title of the song) (!The instruments used) (!The release date of the song)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

Before his solo career, Harry Styles was a member of which boy band? (One Direction) (!The Beatles) (!Backstreet Boys) (!5 Seconds of Summer)

What is Harry Styles' debut solo album? (Harry Styles) (!Fine Line) (!Midnight Memories) (!Sign of the Times)

In which year did Harry Styles start his solo career? (2016) (!2010) (!2013) (!2019)

Which of Harry Styles' songs has a music video set in a fish and chip shop? (Kiwi) (!Watermelon Sugar) (!Adore You) (!Golden)

Harry Styles is known for his distinctive style in which area besides music? (Fashion) (!Cooking) (!Sports) (!Gaming)

Quiz: Questions on the Lyrics

"Watermelon Sugar" is often interpreted as a celebration of what? (Summer and sensuality) (!Winter and solitude) (!Spring and renewal) (!Autumn and nostalgia)

The lyrics "Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin'" are from which song? (Watermelon Sugar) (!Adore You) (!Sign of the Times) (!Golden)

Which fruit is predominantly mentioned in "Watermelon Sugar"? (Watermelon) (!Apple) (!Orange) (!Grape)

The line "I want more berries and that summer feelin'" is from which Harry Styles song? (Watermelon Sugar) (!Lights Up) (!Falling) (!She)

How does Harry Styles describe the subject of the song "Watermelon Sugar"? (Bittersweet) (!Melancholic) (!Euphoric) (!Mysterious)


Harry Styles' First Solo Album Harry Styles
Year "Watermelon Sugar" Reached Number 1 on Billboard Hot 100 2020
Genre of "Watermelon Sugar" Pop with Rock and Indie Influences
Award Won by "Watermelon Sugar" in 2021 Grammy for Best Pop Solo Performance
Theme of "Watermelon Sugar" Summer and Sensuality

Open Tasks


  1. Research Harry Styles' musical influences and write a paragraph on how they might have influenced "Watermelon Sugar".
  2. Create a playlist of songs that have a similar vibe to "Watermelon Sugar".


  1. Analyze the lyrics of "Watermelon Sugar" and discuss its possible meanings in a short essay.
  2. Compare and contrast "Watermelon Sugar" with another Harry Styles song in terms of theme and musical style.


  1. Write and perform your own song inspired by "Watermelon Sugar".
  2. Create a music video concept for "Watermelon Sugar" that differs from the original and describe it in detail.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss how "Watermelon Sugar" reflects the musical evolution of Harry Styles from his One Direction days.
  2. Explain the role of summer imagery in "Watermelon Sugar" and its impact on the listener's experience.
  3. Analyze the significance of "Watermelon Sugar" in the context of contemporary pop music.
  4. Describe how the music video of "Watermelon Sugar" complements the song's lyrics and overall theme.
  5. Debate the importance of award recognition, like the Grammy, for songs like "Watermelon Sugar" in an artist's career.

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