New York Dolls - Personality Crisis - 1973

Version vom 31. Januar 2024, 01:04 Uhr von Glanz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{:MOOCit - Top}} = Input = '''The New York Dolls and their groundbreaking song "Personality Crisis" from 1973''' The New York Dolls, a band formed in New York City in 1971, are often cited as one of the most influential groups of the early punk rock scene in the United States. With their flamboyant, androgynous style and raw sound, they paved the way for many future punk and glam rock artists. "Personality Crisis," one of their most famous songs, was r…“)
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New York Dolls - Personality Crisis - 1973


The New York Dolls and their groundbreaking song "Personality Crisis" from 1973

The New York Dolls, a band formed in New York City in 1971, are often cited as one of the most influential groups of the early punk rock scene in the United States. With their flamboyant, androgynous style and raw sound, they paved the way for many future punk and glam rock artists. "Personality Crisis," one of their most famous songs, was released in 1973 as part of their debut album.

Background and Influence

The song "Personality Crisis" showcases the New York Dolls' unique blend of rock and roll, glam, and proto-punk elements. The band, particularly this song, influenced numerous artists and helped shape the sound and attitude of punk rock. The New York Dolls, including members like David Johansen and Johnny Thunders, were known for their chaotic live performances and unapologetic attitude.

Lyrics and Composition

The lyrics of "Personality Crisis" deal with themes of identity and the struggle of maintaining one's true self, a concept that resonated with the youth of that era. The song's composition features a mix of raucous guitar riffs, piano, and Johansen's distinctive vocal style, making it a standout track of the 1970s rock scene.

Cultural Impact

"Personality Crisis" became an anthem for the burgeoning punk movement, embodying the spirit of rebellion and non-conformity. The New York Dolls' influence extended beyond music, impacting fashion and cultural attitudes towards gender and performance.

For further information, check out the New York Dolls and Punk Rock articles.

Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Personality Crisis" released? (1973) (!1975) (!1969) (!1980)

Which genre best describes "Personality Crisis"? (Proto-punk) (!Heavy Metal) (!Pop) (!Blues)

What is a notable feature of the New York Dolls' performance style? (Flamboyant and androgynous) (!Classical and subdued) (!Folk-inspired) (!Electronic elements)

Who was a key member of the New York Dolls? (David Johansen) (!Mick Jagger) (!Joey Ramone) (!Kurt Cobain)

What theme is prominent in the lyrics of "Personality Crisis"? (Identity and self-expression) (!Political unrest) (!Love and relationships) (!Nature and environment)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

In what city was the New York Dolls band formed? (New York City) (!Los Angeles) (!London) (!Chicago)

The New York Dolls are often credited with influencing which musical genre? (Punk Rock) (!Disco) (!Jazz) (!Classical)

What was the New York Dolls' debut album called? (New York Dolls) (!Personality Crisis) (!Glam Rockers) (!Street Chaos)

Which of the following instruments is prominently featured in "Personality Crisis"? (Guitar and piano) (!Saxophone) (!Violin) (!Turntables)

The style of the New York Dolls can be described as: (Androgynous and flamboyant) (!Minimalist and simple) (!Formal and traditional) (!Casual and sporty)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

The lyrics "Well now you're trying to be something, now you gotta do something" suggest a theme of: (Self-discovery and authenticity) (!Political activism) (!Romantic pursuit) (!Financial success)

The line "And you're a prima ballerina on a spring afternoon" from "Personality Crisis" reflects: (Artistic and dramatic imagery) (!Historical context) (!Technological advancement) (!Natural phenomena)

The repeated use of the phrase "Personality Crisis" in the song emphasizes: (Identity conflict) (!Geopolitical issues) (!Environmental concerns) (!Economic inequality)

The mood conveyed by the music in "Personality Crisis" can be described as: (Energetic and rebellious) (!Calm and soothing) (!Melancholic) (!Mystical)

The lyrical content of "Personality Crisis" is most aligned with the ethos of: (Punk and glam rock) (!Classical music) (!Country and western) (!Electronic dance music)


New York Dolls Proto-punk pioneers
1973 Release year of "Personality Crisis"
David Johansen Key member of the New York Dolls
Identity and self-expression Main theme of "Personality Crisis"
Guitar and Piano Prominent instruments in "Personality Crisis"

Open Tasks


  1. Research Punk Fashion: Explore and describe how punk fashion was influenced by the New York Dolls.
  2. Draw a Band Poster: Create a poster for the New York Dolls incorporating elements of their style.
  3. Listen and Reflect: Listen to "Personality Crisis" and write about how it makes you feel.


  1. Create a Playlist: Compile a playlist of songs that were influenced by the New York Dolls.
  2. Write a Song Review: Write a review of "Personality Crisis" focusing on its musical and lyrical elements.
  3. Explore Gender in Music: Discuss how the New York Dolls challenged gender norms in their performances.


  1. Analyze Punk's Impact: Analyze the impact of punk music on modern music genres.
  2. Interview Punk Fans: Conduct interviews with punk music fans about the legacy of the New York Dolls.
  3. Create a Documentary: Make a short documentary about the New York Dolls and their influence on music and culture.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss Influences: Talk about how the New York Dolls might have influenced contemporary music artists.
  2. Examine Lyrics: Examine the lyrics of "Personality Crisis" and discuss its relevance to today's youth culture.
  3. Analyze Performance Style: Analyze how the performance style of the New York Dolls differed from other bands of their time.
  4. Explore Cultural Impact: Discuss the cultural impact of the New York Dolls beyond the realm of music.
  5. Compare Genres: Compare and contrast punk rock with another music genre, focusing on themes and presentation.

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